Since Botz has opened, I’ve had many customers politely request a coffee or blend of coffees of a darker profile. I’m always open to feedback and really want to help Botzonians keep their caffeine levels satiated. So, without further ado, I’d like to introduce The Dark Side, a darker Botz blend (DUN DUN DUNNNN).
While I know most of us strive to be FFGs (forces for good), sometimes we can’t help but think about The Dark Side of the bean — the possibility of brewing our coffee with blue lightning and stirring it with a red lightsaber (a personal fantasy). In a world of specialty coffee championing lighter roasts with lovely and delicate flavor notes, you may feel slightly insecure about your preference for darker coffees. Botz says simply: DON’T! Get down with your bad self and embrace The Dark Side blend.
There is a plethora of reasons the specialty coffee industry benefits from dark-roasted coffee (not all coffees taste absolutely stellar roasted light), and like Anakin saving Luke and Ben Solo reviving Rey, your preference for cocoa-saturated cups with lower levels of acidity helps many coffee professionals to continue to pursue their passions. So actually, it is pretty good to be “bad” — every yin needs a yang, every hero needs a deliciously naughty counterpart — life is about balance, including in your cup-of-joe.
While the coffees for this blend will rotate, expect The Dark Side’s profile to remain relatively constant – mellow acidity, s’more richness, a dark chocolate resonance, and, dare I say, a cheeky bit of roast flavor. It’s smooth black and absolutely loves a splash of cream in your morning cup (mwa-ha-ha-ha)!
Shoutout to some of my favorite villains—Darth Vader, Mr. Freeze, Magneto, Ursula and Diesel 10 (Real Thomas the Tank Engine ones know…)—pouring this one out for you badies.
***Please note that coffee orders are roasted, processed, and shipped on Wednesdays. The cutoff for orders is 12:00 pm each Tuesday.***