Variety: ECX 74110, 74165
Process: Washed
Sourced by: Crop to Cup
It’s well known by now that peach is one of BOTZ’s most prized flavors. Peach pie, peach rings, peach tea – if it’s peachy, BOTZ has to have it. Naturally when we tasted Musa Abalulesa’s washed lot and experienced its fuzzy peachy flavors, we knew we had found a new peach bomb exclusively for BOTZ peach personnel (those Botzonians equally obsessed with fresh stone fruit flavors).
If its prominent peachiness wasn’t enough to captivate your interest, Musa Abalulesa’s washed lot also features a flavor combo straight from Munster Donut, a local donut spot of legendary importance to most NWI folk. Having tasted every donut in existence from Munster Donut (lots of them at 2am when the craving hits hardest), there’s one donut type that is utterly irresistible – the one and only buttercrunch. Simultaneously sweet and addictively buttery, you’ll find that the slight saltiness of the butter enhances the inherent sweetness of the cakey donut dough. Musa Abalulesa’s lot is no different. With each slurp, you’ll find a creamy and buttery sensation that enriches the inherent sweetness and peachy flavor of this coffee.
Needless to say, we find this peachy and butterscotch combo to be very unique in our own tasting experience. We hope you enjoy this coffee’s distinct flavor synergy and peachy personality. Share it with all those who you deem to be BOTZ peach personnel.
***Please note that coffee orders are roasted and processed on Saturdays. After a QC session on Sunday, all coffee orders ship on Monday. The cutoff for orders is 12:00 pm each Friday.***